Route scouting in heterogeneous reactions with the ReactALL

  • Application note
  • October 17, 2024

Heterogeneous solid-liquid reactions are fundamental processes in various industrial applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals to fine chemicals production. Understanding the time profile of these reactions is crucial for optimizing reaction conditions, ensuring product quality, and maximizing yield. However, accurately monitoring such reactions poses significant challenges due to the complexities of sampling and mixing in heterogeneous systems. Moreover, route optimization following initial lead identification typically requires thorough evaluation of various reaction parameters, including stoichiometry, addition order, timing, and mixing mode.

This application note highlights the study conducted by Hawkins et al.[1], demonstrating the advanced sampling and mixing capabilities of the ReactALL™ system. The study compares the time profile of a heterogeneous amine alkylation reaction with results obtained from a commercial reactor using mechanical agitation and a vial stirred with a magnetic stir bar The ReactALL instrument excels in managing the dynamic conditions of solid-liquid reactions, offering precise control and real-time monitoring essential for detailed kinetic analysis. Its superior mixing capabilities facilitate a deeper understanding of reaction mechanisms, driving improved process control and optimization in industrial applications.

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